Usage Guide

To get the most benefit out of the ChangeLog module, the commit messages have to be in this format:

type(category): description [flags]

Where type is one of the following:

  • breaking
  • build
  • ci
  • chore
  • docs
  • feat
  • fix
  • other
  • perf
  • refactor
  • revert
  • style
  • test

Where flags is an optional comma-separated list of one or more of the following (must be surrounded in square brackets):

  • breaking: alters type to be a breaking change

And category can be anything of your choice. If you use a type not found in the list (but it still follows the same format of the message), it’ll be grouped under other.

Project Git Guide

The types I am standardising on for this project are as follows: -

  • docs
    • All changes to the README, GIT-GUIDE and CHANGELOG documents
  • fix
    • Any issue tagged as ‘bug’ along with any code changes that fix a bug
  • feat
    • Any issue tagged as ‘feature request’ along with any code changes that add a new feature
  • chore
    • Any changes like system updates, adding images or untracked files
  • other
    • Any other changes not covered by the above

Change Log

From within the Home Assistant folder, run the following: -

changelog generate

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This is currently just a dumping ground for git recources that I have found.

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