Home Assistant ... Improved Backups
After last week’s disaster when I almost lost all my Home Assistant configuration, I felt it was time to improve my backup process to ensure I had some offsite backups in case of a genuine disaster occuring.
GitHub Fail ... and Home Assistant Backups
They say there are four different ways that people learn. These ways are: - Auditory Visual Kinesthetic Reading/Writing I am definitely the 3rd kind! And boy did I prove that last night with my Git education.
GitHub Pages and Jekyll - Frustration Central!
As part of my GitHub learning, I have tried to use as many of the available features as possible. I identified two features that I wasn’t using: - GitHub Pages (AKA Websites) Wiki
Home Assistant Voice
I spent some time trying to get Home Assistant Voice working. I found it to be an extremely frustrating experience. The documentation while comprehensive, is confusing and disjointed. Just my humble opinion.
GitHub Actions and Workflows (AKA CI)
Exploring other people's Git repositories led me to investing time in learning about GitHub actions. All I can say is wow! My programming skills are OK at best, but learning from others in the open-source community has resulted in me now having some awesome CI workflows running on my Git repository, making life so much easier.
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